Sunday, June 13, 2010

the boo-boo: Harshness!

@4:30 AM..

I woke up from my deep slumber just a while back. Earlier than that, I tried tossing and turning on my bed, hoping that I could get some more sleep, and rest like a normal human does. I tried, still i tried... tried once more.. then boom! I fell out of my bed freely,. ugh! that hurts.."Thank you gravity!", i uttered. My mind stirred up, with eyes wide open..sighed, No..big sigh.. haaaaay! thank you REM! LOL. I ran back and forth the bathroom, to check if i was OK, Thank God I was ok, no scratch seen, I just had but little discomforts. For a second I thought of going back to bed, to lay myself to sleep..Then I said No, i wont put my mind in gamble again. Knowing the uncertain outcome,so i read a good book instead just to shake the fear off. I also checked my phone and saw 12 messages, 2 from my not-yet-kinda-special-someone (1 was a cute message though so I saved it.. LOL), 1 text was a lil shocking, sent by a close friend, with an opening spiel.. Beyonce's dead??..duh! and the rest, never ending quotes! Past 30 minutes, the boo-boo on my shoulder blade just wouldn't go away (toddler style of fidgeting*).haha! So I had my limited nursing ROM assessments made possible,duh!.. Click!.. that was the bone. D'oh! i sensed fear, oh no..There goes a potential fracture! Not that i went so crazy about it, i rest assured myself,perhaps it was just normal to hear a clicking sound, i guessed.. I know a little about the anatomy, but no more beyond my assessment..still is, I'm not sure if I was Ok to the nth power..I've been feeling kinda old recently, I hope not the old old physically (knocks on a wood)..It just makes me wonder why God even bother to torture me, after the three-day malfunctioning, now this. Lord I know I made a biggie mistake, but i have acquired a huge huge lesson though.. Promise I wont whine for something great now, just take away this boo-boo..cause it hurts really bad.. pls? huhu.. =(


1 comment:

  1. 42 blogs now following PEDOPHILES and all the BOO HOO HOOS -
    THESE BLOGS are your TOOLS of CRIME.
    BERRIRO and BALDWIN are giving us your TRAILS.
    Your pears are RICK and CHENEY.
    ( explosives)
